Thursday, April 17, 2014

Your dream = Some ones nightmare

He was a loving person. He had a lot of love to offer.
She was a loving person. She loved almost everything on the earth and in the universe.
He saw her and knew instantly that she needed him.
She saw him and knew he was passionate.
He spoke to her.
She answered his questions. But did not ask much.
He understood she was hesitating and he had to make the first move.
He made the first move.
She did not reciprocate.
He knew she was shy, but could not wait.
She tried to be polite because she knew he was in love.
He was too strong for her.
She tried to resist him.
He knew when she gave in and he was the happiest man.
She did not want to insult his love.
He thought he loved her and made love to her.

She always loved to fall in love and be loved.
When this love was forced on to her, she felt insulted.
He thought, he saved her from a life of loneliness.
She never asked for his love.
She was happy with what she had.
He thought his intentions were good, so it was okay.
She felt violated, dishonored and imprisoned.

We all face this issue, in the form of people who mean well but believe what is best for them is the best thing for the whole mankind.
They somehow feel lost and worry for people who do not walk their path.
They think it is their duty to drag the non path followers into their path.
They do it with the best of intentions.
But it hurts so many people in their hearts and minds when they try to avoid it politely and the person does not listen.
Some are gullible enough to give in after a while and leave the path that gave them absolutely no issues until now.

Be it imposing a cuisine, religion, opinion, process, life style, sexual orientation, anything, if the other person did not ask to learn about it for themselves, they do not deserve to be dragged into it.

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