Monday, December 5, 2016

Nature vs Nurture

Once I had a conversation (I swear it was not an argument) with a very nice gentleman about Nature vs Nurture. The conversation started because the gentleman felt hollow after talking to two young ladies and the way he was included and discarded from the conversation. I explained that he is not the first one to say that about the young ladies and he should  not let that get to him. He said, he will try his best and "kill her with kindness". I replied that when it comes to the argument of nature vs nurture, I believe in NATURE.

A rose shrub has thorns, some snakes have poison. No one can nurture a rose shrub to not grow thorns or a snake to not have poison. And quite honestly, why is having thorns or poison even a bad thing? It is what it is. We, who are approaching a rose shrub should know better and protect ourselves while enjoying the beauty and experience a Rose can give (and for the snake, stay the f... away from it, you are not Hercules).

Choose Wisely

Beware of whom you choose to believe in blindly and give power to!! The team member who chooses for you will be fine. But you will be like the Nazi guy below.
In real life, people next to you will not tell when we chose poorly because people are too afraid of you because you are the Nazi who fires first and asks questions about employee morale later. Remember!!

Passive Aggressive Misogyny

After I first came to America 20 years ago, for the first time in my life, I experienced being treated like a human being with a brain. I a...